

Money deceives, even when it’s virtual

Money deceives, even when it’s virtual

One of Italy’s biggest law firms.
Two lawyers fight to become the managing partner.
An investment fund that is full of cash, but needs to find soon something to invest in.
Months of intense searches and finally a discovery: bitcoin, a virtual currency that enables to trade freely, without any bank and any state.
A frantic negotiation between Milan, London, and the island of Jersey.
An acquisition closed down to the wire.
And then?

A novel that has multiple reading keys, marked by a truly breathtaking rhythm, BitGlobal is at the same time an exhilarating thriller, a debunking glimpse on the world of finance and big law firms, a dizzying plunge in the mechanisms of cryptography, and a fascinating analysis of the origins and unresolved contradictions of the current monetary system. A novel in which money, and the mechanisms that govern its circulation, appear to be an epitome of human relationships and of the irrepressible man’s need to believe in something, even at the cost of being deceived.

Praise for BitGlobal

“A brilliant book” – Corrado Augias

“A financial thriller that prods reality in its inner and most sensitive layer” – Piergiorgio Pulixi, Contorni di Noir

“To define it thriller is reductive… Caliceti distinguishes himself for a writing that combines the typical action of financial thriller with a style which is more literary than narrative, a writing that one feels strongly sculpted on the page” – Gian Paolo Serino, Stendhal, La Provincia di Como

“Caliceti’s writing is hypnotic, sharp, without burrs” - Stefania Massari, Huffington Post

“A writer who is capable, as normally only American authors are, of transforming the jargon of his own job, its rituals, its idiosyncrasies, in the perfect scenery for a thriller” – Il Fatto Quotidiano

“A dry and relentless style” – Il Giornale

“A novel with multiple reading keys… a debunking glimpse on the world of finance and big law firms, a plunge in the mechanisms of cryptography, and an analysis of the origins and unresolved contradictions of the current monetary system” – Libero

“A precise and sharp language… a realistic and ruthless portrait of an ill economy” – Milano Nera

“In the folds of a most solid plot, at the level of the best American tradition, BitGlobal recounts men and women dehumanized by a system where being merciless is not a choice, but the only survival strategy” - Lampoon

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