The Making Of...
All my novels are
works of fiction.
But all of them are based on actual data,
in the light of which the story that I figure might effectively have happened,
or happen in the future.
Fiction, thus, but plausible: this to me is
Precisely because of this, the drafting of
all of my novels requires a very long preparatory phase, in which I research
and study materials that may offer documentary support to the plot that I progressively
For those that might be interested to further
investigate the issues touched in my novels, this section sets out the main
sources that I used for each of them.
Vatican Tabloid stems from the aspiration to do (albeit in the context of a wider narrative started with The Option of God) an exercise similar to the one that many excellent American writers have done on the Kennedy case, in relation to what I c
As I said in some interviews, L’Opzione di Dio wanted to be somehow an attempt to re-write The Brothers Karamazov in a contemporary key. Its fundamental literary references are thus Dostoevskij and Pascal’s Pensées, whom also Dostoevskij owed muc
The idea of writing BitGlobal struck me towards the end of 2014, when I was about to finish the drafting of L’Ultimo Cliente. In the last part of the story I had programmed to insert a money-laundering subplot, and when the moment came I started
For a long time I had never thought to do anything but the lawyer. Work absorbed me, pleased me, gratified me. Then, starting from 2008, something began to creak. In America the subprime crisis had exploded. It was a long wave, like a tsumani, th